CloudThrottle Setup - Prerequisites

Instructions on setting up the process for installing and configuring all essential prerequisites

To enable seamless integration between CloudThrottle and your cloud accounts, it is necessary to set up a CloudThrottle management account on your Cloud Infrastructure. This management account functions as a central point of communication between CloudThrottle and the various Cloud child accounts within your organization. By establishing this link, the management account gains the capability to effectively manage all the Cloud member accounts.

Through the management account, CloudThrottle can efficiently oversee and coordinate multiple Cloud child accounts, ensuring consistent governance, security, and compliance across your entire cloud infrastructure. With the management account in place, you gain the ability to optimize resource usage, streamline costs, and track cloud spending effectively.

Overall, the management account serves as a crucial bridge between CloudThrottle and your organization's various Cloud child accounts, providing centralized management capabilities and facilitating better control, security, and efficiency within your cloud ecosystem.

Points to take into account before creating Management Account:

  • The account should not function as a master/payer account.
  • The account must be set up as a delegated admin account.
  • ~For further details, please refer to: link to AWS documentation on using orgs delegated admin
  • You have the option to either create a new account or utilize an existing one.


  • The account must be granted cross-account access to CloudThrottle.
  • ~This involves providing the Management account with permissions to access the ECR Repo in CloudThrottle (Contact CloudThrottle Team).
  • The account should have the necessary permissions for creating, modifying, deleting, and updating resources in member accounts through cross-account access.
  • ~To achieve this, deploy the CloudFormation stack set, which will create a member execution role in the existing child accounts of the organization.
  • ~Detailed instructions for this process can be found in the "Deploy CloudFormation stack to create Member Execution role" documentation.

New member accounts created through CloudThrottle, the member execution role will be automatically created at the time of the account creation.