Cloud cost Modeler

Overview of CloudThrottle's Cloud Cost Modeler Framework

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, effective cloud financial management is essential. Cloud cost analysis is a critical aspect of managing cloud resources efficiently and optimizing expenses for businesses and organizations utilizing cloud services. The continuous growth of cloud computing has made it essential for companies to gain a comprehensive understanding of their cloud spending to make informed decisions and drive cost-effective strategies.

  • CloudThrottle's Cost Modeler framework offers exceptional cost-effectiveness compared to other 3rd-party tools in the market.
  • Affordable one-time implementation fee
  • Provides the flexibility to tailor reports according to your organization's unique requirements.
  • No long term commitment/contract, Pay only for what you use in your cloud usage cost
  • For further details, please reach out to CloudThrottle Support

CloudThrottle's - Cloud Cost Analyzer and Modeler Framework: Cloud cost analysis involves the evaluation and assessment of cloud-related expenditures. By diving deep into cloud usage metrics and cost allocation tags, businesses can gain valuable insights into their cloud consumption patterns. Key components of our framework includes:

  1. Usage Metrics: Cloud providers offer detailed metrics that showcase how much of each service is utilized. Analyzing these metrics provides valuable data for assessing costs and identifying usage trends.
  2. Cost Allocation Tags: Implementing cost allocation tags allows businesses to attribute costs to specific projects, departments, or applications. This enhances cost visibility and facilitates better allocation and accountability.
  3. Forecasting: Leveraging historical data, cloud cost analysis enables organizations to predict future cloud expenses accurately. This forecasting aids in budget planning and resource allocation.
  4. Anomaly Detection: Cloud cost analysis tools can detect unusual spikes or anomalies in cloud spending. This capability assists in identifying potential inefficiencies or security breaches.
  5. Cost Optimization Recommendations: By analyzing existing cloud usage patterns and historical data, cost modelers offer optimization suggestions. These recommendations help organizations streamline their cloud expenses.
  6. Resource Sizing and Rightsizing: Cloud cost modelers assist in determining the appropriate size for cloud resources. This process minimizes costs and ensures optimal resource allocation.
  7. Cost Allocation: Accurate cost allocation is facilitated by cloud cost modelers, which provide transparency and accountability by attributing expenses to specific projects or teams.
  8. Budget Planning: Cloud cost modelers enable organizations to set budgets effectively, aligning cloud spending with financial goals and preventing overspending.

Unique Attributes of the CloudThrottle Cloud Cost Analyzer Framework:

  • Pay only for what you use.
  • Serverless Approach, no servers to manage.
  • Exclusively Utilizes Cloud Native Services, Eliminating the Need for Acquiring Licenses.
  • Scalable to multiple users.
  • Secure:
  • ~CloudThrottle Cost Analytics can manage users and content using a comprehensive set of security features:
  • ~Role-based access control
  • ~Microsoft Active Directory integration
  • ~Single sign-on using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and third-party solutions.
  • ~Audit user activity
  • ~Data Security
  • ~Encryption at Rest

Implementation includes standard report templates for your convenience:

  • Billing Summary: A consolidated overview of organization-wide usage, with the ability to drill down by accounts and time periods.
  • Project Based Summary: Summarizes usage based on projects, applications, or products.
  • Tagged Services Usage: Displays the usage of PROD, DEV, LAB accounts categorized by tagged services (e.g., System, Environment, Business Area).
  • Untagged Service Usage: Presents visualizations and tabulated reports for untagged resources in PROD, DEV, and LAB accounts.
  • Budget Monitoring: Provides an overview of account usage in relation to the monthly allocated budget per account.
  • Anomaly Detection: Identifies outliers, spikes, or deviations in the data that fall outside the usual distribution pattern.
  • Forecast: Projects key business metrics, including cost, for a 12-month forward time period.

For more details, contact CloudThrottle Support team