Global Settings

Add Values to commonly used Field across the Application

Configure your personal settings for your login, default selections, Default Currency, etc. when performing various actions throughout the Application. These are global settings across all the users.

Generic - Default Setup:

  • Cloud Providers. Enter list of Cloud Service Providers your Organization using
  • Env. - Enter list of all the Environments used in your Organization
  • ~PROD, DEV, UAT, PVT. etc.
  • Currency - Enter default Currency to be used.
  • ~It just a tag or Label. Currently system Does not support Multi Currency
  • Country Code - Enter default Country Code to be used
  • ~It just a tag or Label. Currently system Does not support Multi Country
  • Role Master - Predefine User Roles and their Access Permissions
  • ~ROLE_ADMIN - Can perform all CRUD Operation + User Creation and Approvals
  • ~ROLE_DEVELOPER - Can Perform CRU except delete Operation + NO user Creation or Approval
  • ~ROLE_READER - Read only Permission, No permission to View Vendor details, credits, discounts, etc.
  • ~ROLE_TECHNICIAN - Read only Permission to access to all Modules. User Like Managers, Executive, etc.

Accounts - Default Setup:

  • Join Method - Helps you to identify how Cloud Accounts are acquired in case of changes in the Reseller / channel partner
  • ~Like: Created, Joined, etc.
  • Infra. Enter list of Cloud Service Regions your Organization using
  • ~Like: Commercial, GovCloud
  • Region - Enter your Regions used within the your CSP Infrastructure
  • ~like: US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1, US East (Ohio) - us-east-2
  • Component Type - Predefined Master and Child relation within Application/Product/Component hierarchy
  • ~Like: Main and Sub
  • Organization - It is your CSP Organizations list from the Billing/Master Account to offers policy-based management for multiple cloud accounts.
  • ~Organization list is dynamically pulled from Billing/Master Account

Startup Shutdown - Default Setup

  • Holiday List - Create your Organization Holiday list to assign to Startup/Shutdown Scheduler
  • ~ Cloud Resources/Services will not run or shutdown status during the entered Holidays list

Email Setup - Email notification Setup

  • Setup your email to send notification
  • ~Follow SMTP Config setup to create email notification