Important Concepts

This article discusses key aspects of CloudThrottle, including its various modules and the overarching concepts guiding our approach to managing your cloud resources.

This guide to CloudThrottle takes an in-depth look at various aspects of the platform, providing valuable insights into how we effectively interact with and manage your cloud resources. By exploring these key areas, our aim is to offer a clear understanding of our work methodology and approach, allowing you to gain valuable insights into our operational practices.


Vendor: Cloud vendor refers to a company or service provider that offers cloud computing services and resources to individuals, organizations, or businesses. These vendors typically provide a range of cloud-based services, including infrastructure, platforms, software, storage, and other resources, accessible over the internet.

There are two potential approaches for any company to engage with a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) regarding Cloud Billing/Master account. Firstly, your company can establish a direct billing account with the CSP. Alternatively, in certain cases, companies or Government agencies may choose to form contract with CSP Resellers/Channel Partners. This strategic decision enables them to leverage various advantages, such as favorable pricing, discounts, and credits.

Having well-maintained vendor details is crucial to ensure seamless transitions between resellers, a common practice in government sectors and other commercial industries when the current vendor's tenure comes to an end and a new vendor is introduced. CloudThrottle offers a solution to effectively track these vendor details and their tenure, enabling improved cost estimation during budgeting and IT planning.

Product: A product, application, or component is an identifiable and purpose-driven unit within software system. It encompasses standalone software applications, modules within larger systems. Products and applications are designed to meet specific user needs and provide desired functionalities. On the other hand, components are modular and reusable building blocks that can be combined to construct more extensive systems or applications. They offer independence and interchangeability, enabling flexibility and modular development approaches. In summary, these terms represent distinct units that serve specific roles within software system.

Component Type: Parent-child relationships are fundamental in software development, specifically when dealing with component types.

A parent component aka "Main Component" serves as an overarching entity that contains or controls other components. It acts as a supervisor or container for one or more child components, offering them a structural framework and necessary functionality.

Child components aka "Sub Component", on the other hand, are subordinate elements nested within the parent component. They rely on the parent for their structure, behavior, and functionality. Each child component typically fulfills a specific role or function within the larger system or application, interacting with the parent component accordingly.

Standalone Component: In component-based systems, it is possible for a Parent Component aka "Main Component" to exist without any child components associated with it.

PPA: stands for Program, Project, or Activity. It is a term commonly used in project management and budgeting contexts. Here's a breakdown of what each term represents:

  1. Program: A program is a collection of related projects, activities, and initiatives that are grouped together to achieve a specific strategic objective or goal. Programs are typically broader in scope and longer-term than individual projects. They often involve multiple interdependent projects or activities that are coordinated and managed collectively.
  2. Project: A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined start and end date, aimed at creating a unique product, service, or result. Projects have specific objectives, deliverables, and tasks that need to be accomplished within a defined timeline and budget. They are typically executed to achieve specific outcomes and are managed using project management principles and methodologies.
  3. Activity: An activity is a task or action that needs to be performed as part of a project or program. Activities are specific actions or work packages that contribute to the completion of project deliverables or program goals. They are often smaller in scope and shorter in duration compared to projects or programs.

In summary, PPA refers to the collective categorization of programs, projects, and activities, which are distinct elements in project management and budgeting practices, each serving a specific purpose within an organization's strategic framework.

Preset Schedules: A preset resource schedule refers to as a predetermined timetable that outlines the availability of Cloud resources. It includes information about when specific resources will be needed, and for how long.

Setting a default preset schedule is to establishing a standard or baseline schedule that serves as the default option for your Company. It provides a standardized starting point for scheduling and helps ensure consistency and clarity in schedule.