Cloud Cost Modeler's Default Reports

Standard Reports templates provided along with Cloud Cost Modeler implementation

The Cloud Cost Modeler's Standard Reports offer comprehensive and pre-defined insights into an organization's cloud spending and resource utilization. These reports are designed to provide key financial and usage metrics in a clear and concise manner, helping businesses gain valuable visibility into their cloud expenses.

Customized reports tailored to your specific needs can be designed and developed upon request, at a minimal cost. For more information, please reach out to CloudThrottle Support.

Here are few Standard Reports comes with CloudThrottle Cloud Cost Modeler

Cloud Budget - Burn Rate: High level view of Usage Cost Vs Allocated Monthly-Budget per Account

Billing Summary: Monthly Cost by account and total cost of an organization over a 12month period

Top5 accounts: Top 5 Account's usage cost grouped by AWS services

Tagged Services Usage: Usage cost by Tagged Business-Area

Untagged Service Usage Cost: Usage cost of accounts without “System” tags

Top 3 Anomaly Detection: Anomaly detection identifies unusual data points, spikes, or deviations outside the standard pattern. Understanding the reasons and patterns is crucial for data-driven decisions. Visual configurations highlight key drivers in a contribution analysis.

Explore Anomalies: By exploring anomalies in detail, we can drill down and uncover the key contributors responsible for outliers in the data points. The provided screenshot highlights AWS product and usage type as major influencers in detecting the top 3 anomalies based on usage cost in accounts.

Monthly & Weekly – Cloud Usage Forecast