Partnering for Resilience

A Guide to Backup, Recovery, and Availability: Discover how we collaborate to ensure resilience through effective backup, recovery, and availability practices for seamless cloud operations.

Customer Responsibilities forResilience: Backup, Recovery, and Availability

At CloudThrottle, we are committed to providing a secure and robustplatform for managing cloud budgets and accounts. However, maintainingresilience also requires collaboration and shared responsibility. This articleoutlines the specific responsibilities of our customers regarding backup,recovery, and availability, ensuring the seamless functioning of their systems.


CloudThrottle’s SaaS product provides cost optimization insights andefficient management of cloud accounts. While our platform ensures theintegrity of key data, including account identifiers, summary budgetinformation, and application metadata, customers remain responsible forspecific aspects of resilience to protect their broader operations.

Customer Responsibilities

1. Monitoring System Alerts

Customers are advised to regularly monitor the alert notificationsdisplayed within the CloudThrottle interface. These alerts provide updates oncritical issues, such as account synchronization, scheduler problems, and otherpotential system notifications. Proactively addressing these alerts helpsensure the continuity of operations and prevents avoidable disruptions.

2. Data Backup

While CloudThrottle automatically maintains the integrity of accountinformation and application mapping, customers should implement their ownbackup strategies for any additional critical data they manage. This includesbacking up configurations and other relevant data outside the scope of ourplatform. Regular backups should be a part of each customer’s continuity anddisaster recovery plan.

3. Recovery Processes

Our Knowledge Base contains detailed instructions on handling scenariosinvolving data loss or system unavailability. Customers are encouraged to usesystem alerts as a starting point for identifying and addressing potentialissues promptly. While CloudThrottle’s services are designed to enhanceresilience, customers must ensure that their broader systems and datamanagement processes align with their operational recovery objectives.

4. Data Scope and Responsibility

CloudThrottle does not inherently store significant volumes of customerdata beyond essential details like account identifiers, budget summaries, andapplication metadata. However, customers should recognize their responsibilityfor the broader resilience of their cloud environments. This includes regularbackups of configurations and ensuring that their data recovery plans alignwith the potential risks they face.

Communicating Responsibilities

During the onboarding process, we provide clear guidance on theseresponsibilities, ensuring customers understand their role in maintainingresilience. This information is also readily accessible within our KnowledgeBase, offering ongoing support and reference materials to assist customers inmanaging their resilience effectively.

Ensuring Your Success

CloudThrottle’s platform is designed to streamline cost optimization andbudget management for cloud accounts, but the broader responsibility forresilience lies with the customer. By regularly monitoring alerts, backing upcritical data, and adhering to recovery best practices, customers can ensuretheir systems remain operational and secure. For further assistance, refer toour Knowledge Base or contact our support team for guidance.